Sunday, June 15, 2008

Flood pictures

Here are some pictures of a bridge one can normally walk across and a bench one could normally sit on. Also the ducks (if you can make them out in the last photo) shouldn't be able to swim where they are swimming. I know it is shocking that my $40 camera phone takes such lousy pictures! :) Regardless you can sort of make out the problematic nature of the settings.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lake Delton is gone!

Due to the large rains I document with my earlier post, Lake Delton no longer exists. The earth next to the damn just gave way and completely drained the lake. Thankfully no one was hurt.

Wow! The lake is gone like that.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Flash Flood!

As you may have read on Grandamascellardoor or Zelmarific we've had some crazy weather. Its still thundering, we're under another tornado warning, and its been about 2 days of this now. It's supposed to do more of this tomorrow too.

So it started flooding in the backyard and all the flowers are taking a beating.